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The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. There’s only one moment for you to live.

Visiting Temple

Information to all visitors

  • Shrine room opening hours, daily from 6.30 AM to 9.00 PM (hours may vary during special events or depending on monks’ availability).
  • On-site parking is strictly for Vihara visitors. Unauthorised vehicles will be towed away at the owner’s expense.
  • This is a private property under 24-hour CCTV surveillance.

All visitors must adhere to the following rules whilst on the Vihara premises

  • No smoking
  • No alcohol
  • No inappropriate language
  • No inappropriate clothing (Light-coloured loose-fitting clothing preferred. No shorts, sleeveless tops, or dresses)
  • No drones, photography, or videography unless authorised in writing by the Committee of the Vihara (please contact the Committee via [email protected] for approvals prior to the visit)
  • No distribution of leaflets, CDs, DVDs, or any advertising material at or near the Vihara
  • No unauthorised canvassing or propaganda at or near the Vihara

When visiting Temple buildings, Stupa area, and Bodhi area, please remove your shoes and head-gear on entering. Please make sure to wear modest clothing which is in lighter colours and covers you. This applies to both men and women and includes not wearing short skirts, shorts, thigh slashes in skirts, sleeveless or low-cut tops, and singlets. Please switch off mobile phones and avoid making loud noises within the temple. Please take care of the children, not allowing them to run around. There are notices around the premises with instructions to keep the premises peaceful, clean, and safe for everyone. Please read and follow.

Thank you for visiting Sakyamuni Sambuddha Vihara! Your corporation is highly appreciated.

“May you be free of suffering! May you be at peace! May the blessings of the Noble Triple Gem always be with you!”

Daily routine 

The Temple opening hours are from 6:30am to 9:00pm every day of the year. 

Daily routine on a normal day:

7.00am - 8.00am Buddha Pooja and Heela Dana (breakfast) offerings
11.00am - 12.00 Noon Buddha Pooja and Dawal Dana (Lunch) offerings
6.00pm - 7.00pm Gilanpasa (Herbal drinks) offerings
7.00pm - 8.00pm Evening Buddha Pooja and chanting of Parritta (A guided ceremony conducted by monks)

During other times: Devotees are welcome to walk quietly around the Temple grounds, Stupa area, Bodhi Tree area, use the library or Shrine hall for individual meditation.

Offering food to the Monks

According to our Great Buddha’s disciplinary rules for the Buddhist monks, they can only have meals from sunrise to noon. It usually is limited to breakfast and lunch (eaten before noon).

If you wish to offer food to resident Monks, the best is to phone the Chief Monk on 03 9702 6275 in advance to reserve a Heela Danaya (Breakfast) or Dawal Danaya (Lunch) on a suitable day for yourself. There is a rostered Danaya calendar available at the temple and the Chief Monk will check and allocate a day for you.

Regular programs at the Temple

The aim of these practices is to enable the community to become more deeply devoted and to understand Buddhism, the Dhamma and to pay respect to Sangha as they teach Lord Buddha’s teachings for the benefit of the community.

These events are not merely ritualistic but are based on meditation to open the community to a higher state of awareness.

Every evening Buddha Pooja: (Gilanpasa Pooja) 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Offerings: Medicinal drinks (for good health), flowers (beautiful but fade away as a reminder of the impermanence of things), candle lights (mark of light and wisdom), incense sticks (to bring a soothing effect)

Devotees bring medicinal drinks and other pooja items and prepare offerings to the Lord Buddha.

The ceremony consists of chanting of stanzas and chanting of Paritta (Protection) and transferring of merit; the resident Monks will guide the devotees and conduct the ceremony.

Weekly, on Saturday’s a special pooja is conducted to transfer merits to sick people by chanting ‘Bojjanga Piritha’ and distribute blessed medicinal drinks to all devotees attending the pooja. This ceremony is sponsored by one family each Saturday.

You can listen to daily Buddha pooja via Vihara Radio in Vihara Live Broadcasts section.

Calendar events (please follow the event calendar for dates)

Monthly Adult Sil Program (for all ages)

This is a day program conducted on a Saturday of each month from 8.00am to 5.30pm, the day will be decided according to the Poya day (Buddhist Full Moon days).

The program of the day is consisting of Dhamma sermons, Dhamma discussions, meditations, mindfulness, question and answer session and chanting. Heela Dana (breakfast), Dawal Dana (lunch) and Gilanpasa (afternoon tea) will be provided.

Youth Sil Program (for 12 to 18 years old): The Sunday following adult Sil day From 9.00am to 2.30pm

This dedicated time comprises of Dhamma discourses on the teachings of Lord Buddha, Meditation and Mindfulness, A question and answer session and chanting.

Monthly Su Visi Vivarana Shanthi Pooja: An evening program on the Sunday of youth Sil day from 6.00pm to 8.30pm

This Pooja is conducted in combination with the daily Buddha Pooja session.

The twenty-four declarations given to the Bodhisattva in his previous lives (Gautama Buddha’s previous births) by twenty-four former Buddhas and his mother approving him as the Buddha designate.

At BVV this pooja is held monthly with 24 offerings, participated by many devotees to pay respect to Lord Buddha.

Monthly mindfulness session for children (Sathi Pasala)

For age group of 5 to 15 years - An afternoon program on a Sunday from 6.30pm – 8.00pm.

Annual events and ceremonies

January - Blessings for the New Year
January - Lotus flower offering ceremony
February - The most Ven. Ampitiye Sri Rahula Nayaka Thera’s commemoration ceremony
April - Sri Lankan New year blessings
May - Vesak ceremony
June - Poson ceremony
July - Vas Aradhana (Rain retreat) ceremony
September - The most Ven. Madihe Pannaseeha Maha Nayaka Thera’s commemoration ceremony
October - Blessing for VCE students
October / November - Katina ceremony
December - The most Ven. Gangodawila Soma Thera’s commemoration ceremony

Visit Us

Sakyamuni Sambuddha Vihara
125 Homestead Road
Berwick, VIC 3806

Tel: +61 3 9702 6275
Email: [email protected]

Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday
6:30am - 9:00pm

6:30am - 1:00pm
6:00pm - 9:00pm

Buddhist Vihara Victoria Inc. © 2025. All Rights Reserved.